Ist ein kalter Nikotin-Entzug gefährlich? | Snushus

Finally smoke-free? We want to explain to you why and when a cold nicotine withdrawal can be dangerous and what less risky alternatives there are.

Almost all smokers think about quitting by giving up cigarettes for good. However, cold turkey does not work for everyone and can be physically and mentally dangerous in some cases, according to experts.

We want to explain why cold turkey withdrawal is dangerous and that there are less risky alternatives. 

What is meant by a cold nicotine withdrawal?

When nicotine is supplied to the body daily, the so-called happiness hormone dopamine is released more strongly. The smoker feels relaxed in that moment and negative emotions like stress and tension are suppressed. However, after a while, the body develops a tolerance to nicotine intake, and the smoker needs to consume more and more cigarettes to achieve the same pleasure. This leads to addiction and increased nicotine consumption.

If you suddenly quit smoking, you will feel cold. The body suddenly becomes unable to absorb nicotine and reacts with typical withdrawal symptoms such as increased restlessness and irritability. You should be aware of the risks and dangers of going cold turkey.

What are the dangers of a cold withdrawal?

British health experts warn against cold turkey withdrawal as it can strain the body. Risks include:
Heart problems
Low nicotine levels initially increase blood pressure and heart rate. Regular intake and higher doses have the opposite effect, slowing down the heart rate as tolerance develops.
Digestive problems
Nicotine also affects digestion as it increases stomach acid production and speeds up the digestive process. Cold turkey withdrawal reduces the amount of stomach acid, leading to negative symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
Respiratory problems
Smoker's cough is a nuisance that many smokers struggle with. Our lungs have tiny cilia that help remove mucus from the bronchi. Smoke hurts them and the affected individuals start coughing. When suddenly there is no smoke in the lungs, the cilia start growing back, initially causing breathing difficulties and coughing.
Mental effects
As mentioned earlier, cigarettes affect the body and mind. Nicotine suppresses negative emotions, which come to the forefront when you undergo cold turkey withdrawal. This can quickly affect mental health. 

How can you prevent a cold withdrawal?

Instead of going cold turkey, you can try to gradually reduce your nicotine intake. The following products and aids are available to help you quit smoking.

·         E-cigarettes
·         Nicotine patches or gum
·         Use of Snus

Snus products have the advantage of being available in different strengths. Therefore, you can gradually reduce the nicotine content. Mild varieties contain about 4-8 mg/g of nicotine, and there are also nicotine-free varieties that are great alternatives to tobacco.

Conclusion - Sometimes a gradual reduction is more beneficial

Cold turkey withdrawal does not promise success for everyone and can even be dangerous for some smokers. Digestive and heart problems can occur. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms often lead to reaching for cigarettes again.
For this reason, most experts recommend a gradual withdrawal. Snus products with different nicotine levels are excellent for gradually reducing nicotine consumption and are also up to 99% less harmful than cigarettes.